What is Heart Disease? Tips

Read these 9 What is Heart Disease? Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Heart Disease tips and hundreds of other topics.

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What is the metabolic syndrome?

Metabolic Syndrome

“Metabolic syndrome” is the collective term for a cluster of health problems that can put a person at high risk for cardiovascular disease. A person has metabolic syndrome if they have any three of the following problems:
· A waist circumference of at least 40 inches for males, or 35 inches for females
· A triglyceride level at or above 150 milligrams per deciliter
· A High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) level at or below 40 milligrams per deciliter for males, or 50 milligrams per deciliter for females
· A blood pressure level at or above 130 systolic or 85 diastolic
· A fasting glucose level at or above 110 milligrams per deciliter

What is heart disease?

Definition of Heart Disease

Heart disease is a broad term used to describe several types of cardiovascular diseases. All of the diseases associated with the term heart disease can possibly be fatal, but also can be treated or prevented.

There are four types of heart disease that are common for diagnosis. They are as follows:

-Coronary artery disease
-Congestive heart failure
-Heart arrhythmia

Heart disease affects not only the heart but also the blood vessels surrounding the heart.

Heart disease can lead to the following conditions: heart attack, high blood pressure, stroke and angina.

Heart disease is currently the number one killer of both men and women in the United States. This disease continues to affect developing countries as well.

What is coronary artery disease?

Coronary Artery Disease

Coronary artery disease is the most common form of heart disease. Coronary artery disease is often referred to as CAD (coronary artery disease).

CAD occurs when the coronary arteries are clogged or narrowed with cholesterol or fat. This clogging or narrowing is commonly referred to as atherosclerosis. Coronary arteries supply our bodies with oxygen and nutrients.

When the arteries are narrowed or clogged due to coronary artery disease, the heart can't get enough oxygen. When this occurs and the heart muscle is injured, a heart attack is often the end result.

CAD often has no symptoms associated with it. However, it can cause mild chest pains to more obvious chest pains. At times CAD can interfere with a person's daily activities.

According the American Heart Association, the warning signs that someone may be experiencing CAD are the following:

-An uncomfortable feeling of pressure in the chest that may come and go.
-Pain that may spread to the shoulder, neck or arms.
-Feeling of discomfort in the chest that is present with light-headness or nausea.

CAD can also have less common warning signs such as: stomach pain, shortness of breath, trouble breathing, skin that pales, and cold sweats or palpitations.

If you experience any of the above symptoms, please consult with your doctor.

What is a heart arrhythmia?

Heart Arrhythmias

A heart arrhythmia is when the heart beats at an abnormal rhythm or pace. Some arrhythmia's can be normal while others can cause severe side effects.

Most people have felt their own heart's miss a beat or feel like it took an extra beat. Those are considered normal arrhythmia's that occur occasionally.

Many people with healthy hearts should not have an arrhythmia that is troublesome. However, outside forces may trigger an arrhythmia. Things such as drugs or an electric shock may lead to an arrhythmia.

If someone has an already weakened heart, a heart arrhythmia can be fatal. An arrhythmia occurs when the heart's electrical system isn't working correctly and beats either too slow or too fast. These arrhythmia's can develop in either the atria or the ventricles.

The symptoms of a heart arrhythmia can be any of the following:

-Fluttering in the chest
-Fast heartbeat
-Slow heartbeat
-Chest pain
-Trouble catching your breath
-Feeling lightheaded
-Feeling dizzy
-Fainting or feeling like you may faint.

These symptoms do not necessarily mean there is a serious problem with your heart. However, if you experience any of the symptoms it is best to see a physician.

What is cardiomyopathy?


Cardiomyopathy is another type of heart disease. A cardiomyopathy occurs when the heart muscle is unable to pump blood and beat normally. There are several forms of cardiomyopathy:

-Dilated Cardiomyopathy
-Restrictive Cardiomyopathy
-Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
-Right Ventricular Dysplasia

The cause of cardiomyopathy is often not known. It can be related to coronary artery disease (CAD), especially in the elderly population. It can also be genetic or the result of an infection.

Cardiomyopathy that is not related to CAD is often rare, but seems to occur more in young people. These types of cardiomyopathies are the number one reason for heart transplants today.

There are several symptoms related to cardiomyopathy. Please see a doctor if you are experiencing any of the following symptoms:

-Shortness of breath
-Gradually unable to tolerate physical exertion such as exercise, going up stairs, or even walking short distances
-Fainting, especially after physical exertion
-Feel light-headed usually after physical exertion
-Feeling dizzy
-Feeling your heart palpitate
-High blood pressure

Unfortunately, many times cardiomyopathy has no symptoms and often times a sudden death occurs even though the person had no symptoms of the disease. It is essential to see a doctor regularly if this type of heart disease is something you are at risk for.

What is heart disease?

Heart Disease Defined

What is referred to as ?cardiovascular disease? encompasses hypertension, stroke, congestive heart failure, coronary heart disease, and rheumatoid heart.
Congestive heart failure is the primary cause of cardiovascular death. Congestive heart failure is an inability of the heart to pump blood adequately, leading to a decrease in blood flow, a backing up of blood into the veins and lungs, and subsequent further weakening of the heart.
Coronary heart disease is impeded blood flow to the network of blood vessels that surround the heart.

What is heart disease?

Heart Disease Defined

What is referred to as ?cardiovascular disease? encompasses hypertension, stroke, congestive heart failure, coronary heart disease, and rheumatoid heart.
Congestive heart failure is the primary cause of cardiovascular death. Congestive heart failure is an inability of the heart to pump blood adequately, leading to a decrease in blood flow, a backing up of blood into the veins and lungs, and subsequent further weakening of the heart.
Coronary heart disease is impeded blood flow to the network of blood vessels that surround the heart.

What is the metabolic syndrome?

Metabolic Syndrome

“Metabolic syndrome” is the collective term for a cluster of health problems that can put a person at high risk for cardiovascular disease. A person has metabolic syndrome if they have any three of the following problems:

· A waist circumference of at least 40 inches for males, or 35 inches for females

· A triglyceride level at or above 150 milligrams per deciliter

· A High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) level at or below 40 milligrams per deciliter for males, or 50 milligrams per deciliter for females

· A blood pressure level at or above 130 systolic or 85 diastolic

· A fasting glucose level at or above 110 milligrams per deciliter

What is congestive heart failure?

Congestive Heart Failure

Congestive heart failure is another type of heart disease. It is, simply put, when a persons heart fails. It is the most common reason for the elderly to be hospitalized.

Congestive heart failure often is a result of another type of heart condition. It occurs when the heart is not able to pump out enough blood from its chambers to meet the body's needs.

Congestive heart failure can also occur when a persons heart chambers become stiff, which doesn't allow the heart to relax and thus fill with blood.

There are several symptoms to congestive heart failure. The symptoms are determined by which side of the heart may be failing. Often, the symptoms of congestive heart failure are from the congestion that occurs when fluid backs up into the lungs and pushes into the surrounding tissues.

Symptoms of heart failure on the left side of the heart may be as follows: tiredness, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing; especially when sleeping, wheezing, and weight loss.

Symptoms of heart failure on the right side of the heart may result in the following: tiredness, fluid in the feet, legs and abdomen, enlargement of the liver, and weight gain that is unintentional due to water retention.

A doctor should be contacted immediately when a person has any of the above symptoms.

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