One sure way to help prevent heart disease is to know it! People who are educated about the heart and heart disease often times reduce their risk of developing it.
Why would a person who has educated himself on the heart and the diseases of it be able to reduce the risk of developing heart disease? Simple. Most often that person knows the proper things to do in order to live a life that is heart healthy.
That person would know that a healthy, low-fat and low-sodium diet is key to maintaining a healthy heart. That person would know what their cholesterol levels and blood pressure should be. That person would know that exercise is important in daily life.
Just by educating yourself, you can lead a healthier life that may stop heart disease from affecting you.
There are many websites and books that can be read that will educate a person on heart disease. If you aren't educated or want to learn more, pick up a book or search the web. The more you learn, the better and you can start implementing the changes that need to happen, thus reducing your risk.
Education is key!
Who is at risk for heart disease?
Why is the elderly at risk for heart disease?
Who is at more risk for heart disease? Men or women?
Why does heredity put a person at risk of heart disease?
Why are people of a certain race at risk for heart disease?
Why does smoking contribute to heart disease?
How does cholesterol contribute to heart disease?
How can high blood pressure contribute to heart disease?
How does body weight contribute to heart disease?
How can not exercising and eating poorly contribute to heart disease?
What is coronary artery disease?
What is congestive heart failure?
How many women will die of a heart attack this year alone?
How many men died of heart disease in 2002?
How many Hispanic men and African American men have heart disease?
What is the number one cause of death in African American and Hispanic females?
Which countries have the lowest rate of heart disease?
What should people eat for a heart healthy diet?
How much saturated fat should be in vegetable oil or margarine?
How much fiber should adults have daily?
How much sodium intake should a healthy adult have daily?
What are some recommended diet and recipe books for those with heart disease?
How can risk factor screening help prevent heart disease?
Aspirin can reduce your risk of heart disease by how much?
How can educating yourself help prevent heart disease?
What interventions should one take if they are determined to be high risk for heart disease?
What can one drink a day help do?
What are the risk factors for heart disease?
How can I prevent getting heart disease?
How many people have heart disease?
What is fiber's effect on heart disease risk?
What are nuts effect on cholesterol levels?
What is the diet for heart disease?
What is the waist-to-hip ratio?
When will my doctor recommend cholesterol medication?
What is the metabolic syndrome?
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