
How can high blood pressure contribute to heart disease?

Blood Pressure Contributes to Heart Disease

Blood pressure is often called a "silent killer", because many people are unaware they suffer from high blood pressure. High blood pressure can lead to stroke and heart attack. People need to have their blood pressure monitored on a regular basis by a physician.

High blood pressure often causes an increase pressure on the kidneys and the heart to work harder. This then increases the risk of heart attack, stroke and even kidney disease.

A normal blood pressure is considered to be 120/80 and lower. High blood pressure is considered to be 140/90 and higher.

Blood pressure can be controlled through exercise, weight loss and diet. There are times when medication is required to help decrease blood pressure. Reducing your blood pressure results in less chance of developing heart disease.

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How can high blood pressure contribute to heart disease?

How does body weight contribute to heart disease?

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What is heart disease?

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Jennifer Mathes, Ph.D.